The Warren River National Park in the south-west of Western Australia near the mill town of Pemberton is probably my favourite inland national park. The Karri Forest here is a picturesque mix of tree ages from old growth through to younger trees. The Warren River meanders through the national park making for spectacularly peaceful settings along its riverbanks. Understory in the park is mixed in height and age, with areas of tall Karri Hazel and more cleared lover areas, as well as river-side areas of cutgrass, peppermint and sheok trees. There are always different orchids and fungus in the park, but you do need to stop and take time to look for them.
Photographing the Warren River its self can be a challenge. The national park is heavily wooded and banks of the river dense with cutgrass and peppermint trees before quickly ascending to Karri forest on the steep hillsides. Platforms at camp sites and day use areas along the river provide one opportunity to photograph the water. A lookout from high above the river also provides limited views.
The park is easily accessed via the Heartbreak Trail (2WD drive car accessible, although gravel and potholed), Bicentennial Tree day-use area, or small rides which dot around and in the park. Accommodation such as Hawke Brook and Marima Cottages are set within or very close to the Warren River national park and make for easy day-walks through the park.
Beedalup National Park is another near the town of Pemberton, containing dense Karri Forest and the well-known Beedalup Falls. Like the Warren River, this national park is predominantly Karri Forest and has the same mix of local orchids and fungus amongst the understory. Beedalup National Park is best accessed from the Beedalup Falls carpark, Karri Valley Resort or other local accommodation such as Karri Valley Chalets.
This page contains some photographs I have taken of the Warren River and Beedalup National Parks. Taking these from 2010 to current, some are slides scanned and others are modern digital but all show illustrate the endless different perspectives which can be taken of the national park. All are available for purchase as prints (rolled, framed, canvas rolled, canvas stretched – contact me for details) or as digital media for authorised use (contact me to apply for digital use).
![Golden Karri Tree bark](
![Karri Forest at Bicentenial Tree (portrait)](