In 2014 I returned to Rottnest Island(off the coast of Perth, Western Australia) for the first time since primary school (~25 years!). It was interesting to see what the island was like and great to have lots of photographic targets for landscape, nature, macro and astrophotography. This page contains some photographs from the trip.

The salt lakes of Rottnest Island were perhaps the biggest surprise for me. These could just as well have been in inland Australia if it weren’t for subtly more greenery surrounding the shores. I loved the great expanse of the salt lakes and the wide variety of colours they provide. The photographs here show the “Pearse” and “Serpentine” lakes on Rottnest.

Rottnest Island is surrounded by almost endless bays. It impressed me how close these bays are together and how accessible they are. You can easily ride to many small and larger bays within a short 10 minute cycle of the main settlement. Little Parakeet Bay is one of the many picturesque bays, and shown here in the above photograph. The blue waters, white and soft sand, and interesting rock formations around the bays make for great photographic opportunities.
On the afternoon I visited Little Parakeet Bay the weather was very calm, the afternoon sun holding slight warmth as the day cooled to a cold night. The small ripples over the shallow water can be seen in the beautiful afternoon sunlight in these photographs.

Geordie Bay is one of the more populated bays on Rottnest Island, with many accommodation units around the beach. Geordie Bay is conveniently close to the main stettlement of Rottest Island and a local shop including cafe, bottle shop and general store.
The photograph of Geordie Bay above hows the late afternoon golden sun glistening across the bay and up the jetty where people are fishing. Shown straight out of the camera you might not believe the colours are entirely natural.

Birdlife abounds on Rottnest Island, and better yet much of it can easily be photographed from beaches, paved paths or tracks around the inland lakes. Here in the above photograph a banded stilt forages in one of the inland lakes during the mid afternoon. I love the striking colour of the legs amongst the still water of the lake.
As with all photographs on my website you are able to purchase prints and copyright use for other means. Prints of my landscape photography are produced on-demand and require a small lead time for production. Prints are produced by a professional photographic laboratory and mailed to you after I have individually signed the prints.